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A year passed

May 4, 2012

What? I still have a blog?


It’s strange, how time has passed in the last year. It’s felt like so much longer than a year, in many ways. But then, I get keep getting little reminders. Friends’ babies turning one, who were born in the months following my ex’s departure. Wills and Kate’s anniversary, a year after their wedding made me, as a heartbroken newlywed, sick to my stomach.

A year ago Monday will be the day friends rallied around me and move all of his stuff out of my house. That’s the last time I’ve seen him, through a window. I haven’t run into him around town yet, which I am sometimes overly conscious of. I still have hopes that he’ll move away. I love it here, and honestly his presence is the only small downside I can find about this city. He seems to know well enough to stay out of my neighborhood, but I’ve been branching out more and more into other neighborhoods. I have no idea where he lives or hangs out. I don’t care, beyond not wanting to run into him. Friends still seem to find it necessary to tell me when they do.

But it’s been a long year. Feels like longer. I feel more healed than just a year out. I have more happiness than I ever imagined I would, a year ago. I am getting my life back on course, one piece at a time. Next up, my career; too long neglected.

It’s been a year, and I’ve come far.

One Comment leave one →
  1. Charis permalink
    May 18, 2012 7:42 am

    Hey girl. Good to hear an update…1 year already!!! geees certainly time flies. Glad things are going well xx

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